Carbon Neutral Sustainable Facilities Management
Artic Building Services is excited to announce that its officially carbon neutral through new partnership with THG ECO for the carbon offsetting of its facilities management services.
With THG ECO, Artic has been able to sponsor and support multiple proactive projects that help to combat emissions, improve community livelihoods and reduce environmental degradation in line with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This officially makes Artic Building Services a carbon neutral and sustainable facilities management choice for all mechanical and electrical installation and maintenance services in London.
What is Carbon Offsetting?
Carbon offsetting compensates the emissions released by one business by investing in areas that remove them elsewhere or avoid the reliance on fossil fuels.
As a business, Artic is responsible for the carbon footprint of its internal processes and office facilities. This includes ensuring that there are no unnecessary resources wasted across energy usage, staff travel, fleet emissions and procurement. Reducing emissions where possible through digitalisation, the installation of solar panels and other initiatives allows energy usage to be kept to a minimum, but carbon emissions currently can’t be completely removed. To counter the emissions being emitted that can’t be reduced, Artic has partnered with THG ECO to ensure investment in areas where the reliance on fossil fuels is being avoided.
Carbon offsetting doesn’t make a business net zero and should only be used in addition to active reduction initiatives, not as an alternative. Its impact is optimal when used alongside local and impactful carbon reduction efforts within a business’ processes. It is crucial to offset only what can’t be reduced which is why net zero remains the overall goal to ensure a sustainable facilities management service.
Verifying Sustainable Facilities Management:
Working with TGH ECO to help invest in projects for offsetting, means that all projects are verified and registered with VERRA, a verified carbon standard. VERRA ensures that all projects are confirmed to promote green energy alternatives and biodiversity conversation, are a positive impact on the local community and protect the surrounding environment of these communities, reducing the overall global impact that carbon emissions have on the planet. Further to that, Artic is working in line with PAS 2060 guidelines to ensure the accuracy of claiming to be carbon neutral, working towards the strict criteria to do so.
Artic’s Sustainability Investment Projects:
The projects Artic is now working with include:
- Renewable Solar Power: This project’s purpose is to generate more clean energy through renewable solar power sources. As verified by VERRA, the project has a total energy capacity of 977 MW solar power and is estimated to replace emissions of greenhouse gases by 1,511,532 tCO2e per year.
- Renewable Wind Power: The wind power project includes the installation and operation of a 12-wind power plant. Through this project, it is estimated and verified to generate 36,068 MWh per year of electricity, resulting in 21,039 tonnes of tco2e being avoided per year.
- Biodiversity Reserve: Artic is also working with a project that is preserving 64,000 hectares of tropical peat swamp forest in Indonesia. This area is rich in biodiversity, including endangered species such as the Bornean Orangutan. Not only is this protecting that specific area, but by boarding on a National Park, creates a physical buffer zone to ensure the park’s safety as well.
By sponsoring the continued positive impact of the projects above, Artic is offsetting its emissions where it isn’t currently possible to altogether remove carbon emissions completely. With this exciting achievement, Artic is looking forward to continuing its journey of being a sustainable facilities management company delivering hard FM and energy efficient solutions across London.
What Next for Net Zero?
Becoming carbon neutral and offsetting carbon emissions doesn’t mean the end of the road for reaching sustainability goals. With an overall target of reaching net zero, Artic is continuing to implement further changes across its business processes and decrease all emissions where possible, working towards reducing its absolute carbon footprint. From ensuring a compliant supply chain committed to reducing its carbon footprint, to increasing the electrical vehicles within its fleet and sourcing sustainable uniform, Artic’s net zero roadmap is driving the business closer to net zero every day, continuing to build an environmentally friendly future for hard FM in London.
Secure a Sustainable Future for Your Site
Achieving a carbon friendly business process has become high priority throughout every industry. As the call for businesses to become net zero continues to grow, it is becoming essential to secure a supply chain committed to positive environmental change. Partnering with Artic means securing a carbon neutral delivery for facilities management across your sites. With experience in healthcare, higher education and commercial environments, the Artic Zero team has the essential knowledge needed to provide a carbon-friendly and energy-efficient strategy for your facilities management.
Secure the sustainable facilities management you need to reach your net zero goals. Contact Artic today.
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