Artic Hard FM Partner London

Why Artic is Your Hard FM Partner in London

London’s buildings are a testament to innovation and architectural prowess. However, maintaining peak performance and ensuring occupant comfort in these complex structures requires a Hard FM provider with the right blend of experience, resources, and a commitment to excellence.

At Artic, we understand the unique challenges and demands of London’s built environment. With a strong heritage dating back to 1998, we’ve built a reputation for exceeding expectations, and here’s why you can trust us as your Hard FM partner:

Unwavering Expertise:

Our team boasts decades of experience in Hard FM services. This wealth of knowledge ensures we possess the in-depth understanding to tackle any challenge your building may throw your way. We stay abreast of the latest industry trends and technologies, ensuring we deliver the most effective solutions for your specific needs.

Resource Powerhouse:

In London’s competitive Hard FM market, access to a comprehensive pool of resources makes a significant difference. Artic offers an extensive resource, exceeding 150 directly employed engineers. This allows us to dedicate specialists to your specific requirements, ensuring a focused and efficient approach to your building’s needs. Whether it’s complex HVAC issues or intricate electrical repairs, we have the expertise readily available to handle the task.

Building Trust Through Transparency:

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful partnership. At Artic, we prioritise clear open book communication and open dialogue. We keep you informed throughout every stage of the process, this transparency fosters understanding and builds confidence in our approach.

Modern Approach to Hard FM: MRI Concept Evolution

Artic goes beyond traditional Hard FM services. We leverage MRI Concept Evolution, a state-of-the-art Computerised Asset Management System (CAFM) platform, to streamline communication, optimise maintenance schedules, and provide real-time data on your building’s performance.

Sustainable Solutions with Artic Zero:

Investing in energy efficiency not only benefits the environment, but it also reduces your operating costs. Artic Zero, our dedicated energy management division, works seamlessly with our Hard FM team to identify areas for improvement and implement sustainable solutions. This comprehensive consultative approach can support you to significantly reduce your building’s energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Your Long-Term Partner, Not Just a Service Provider:

We believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients. Our focus goes beyond simply PPM maintenance; it’s about ensuring the ongoing success and optimal performance of your building. We proactively identify potential issues and develop preventative maintenance strategies to minimise disruption and costly repairs.

Investing in Your Building’s Future:

By choosing Artic as your Hard FM partner, you’re not just investing in a service, you’re investing in the future of your building. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our depth of experience, resourcefulness, and modern approach, ensures peace of mind, and maximises the value of your London property.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your building? Contact Artic today and discover how our expertise and resources can elevate your Hard FM experience.

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